Chinese Herbs
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Chinese herbal medicine is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
In Australia acupuncture is more popular than Chinese herbal medicine, but in China it is the other way around.
For thousands of years Chinese people have been using Chinese herbs for treating and preventing diseases and disorders.
Chinese people not only take herbs as a medicine, they also put food-grade herbal medicine into their food. I grew up with lots of food-grade herbal medicine soup for well-being and dietary therapy.
Unique diagnosis method
Before prescribing any Chinese herbs, a Chinese medicine practitioner will make a diagnosis using a unique method known as pulse and tongue diagnosis. Sometimes results from western medicine laboratories and imaging are useful.
Chinese herbal medicine
There are around 500 common Chinese herbs from which millions of formulas are prescribed every day for different illnesses. In my practice, I prescribe and dispense herbs according to individual needs. I do pulse and tongue diagnosis before prescribing any herbs. Chinese herbs can be given internally or externally. Sometimes I combine Chinese herbs with acupuncture according to the patient’s needs.
What conditions can respond well to Chinese Herbal Medicine/Acupuncture?
The following is a list of SOME of the conditions that may respond to acupuncture and/ or Chinese herbal medicine: (It is impossible for me to list every condition. If you are not sure, please ring or email me, I am more than happy to answer your questions.)
pain relief: skeletal/muscular pain, arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, sprains, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, sport injuries, car accidents, toothache, gout
respiratory system: common cold, dry cough, productive cough, chronic cough, tonic herb for respiratory system
allergy: hay fever, skin conditions
gastrointestinal system: stomach pain, stomach bloating, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac support
urogenital system: urinary tract support, frequency of urination,
neurological conditions: trigeminal neuralgia, stroke sequelae, Bell’s palsy
skin condition: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea
ear, nose and throat conditions: ear ache, ear discomfort, blocked ears, ringing ears, dizziness, Meniere’s disease, sinusitis, rhinitis, lose scene of smell with no organic cause, sore throat, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers
addictions: smoking, alcohol
period problems: irregular period, period pain, heavy period, premenstrual tension
menopause: hot flushes, sweating, sleeping disturbance
infertility: IVF assistance, people want to fall to pregnant naturally
pregnancy care: Morning sickness, correction of malposition of fetus,
headache, migraine
cosmetic: smooth wrinkles, pigmentation, hair loss, itchy scalp, dandruff
others: cold hands and feet, excessive sweating, immune support, sugar cravings, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), insomnia, fungal nail problems